Tag Archives: Deadspin NFL replay

NFL instant replay: a broken system

The Super Bowl is only 26 hours away, but Adrian the Canadian is working overtime to improve the NFL review system. Here are some potential disasters that he came up with for Sunday, along with his advice for the NFL:

While many fans across North America are spending Super Bowl week analyzing match-ups, placing bets (shhhh…), worrying about Gronk’s ankle, or pinching themselves in disbelief that a team with a negative regular season point differential could be the pundits’ choice to win the game, I’m hoping for something else: that the game turns on a controversial play that finally blows up the NFL’s nonsensical and unfair instant replay system. Because, let’s be honest, the NFL’s challenge system is absurd and has become more absurd with the imposition of mandatory review in the final two minutes of each half and of scoring plays. What sort of plays could lead to an overhaul? I’m glad you asked:  Continue reading